The New Forest Weavers, Spinners and Dyers Guild was founded in 1980 and presently has approximately 50 members. We are a diverse group of weavers, spinners and dyers, beginners to experts, young and old, who all share a love of textiles and desire to learn.
Our meetings take place between 10am and 4pm on the second Saturday of the month except during August when there is no meeting. We meet at Greyfriars Community Centre in Ringwood. Existing membership is renewed on 1st September for 1 year and we are affiliated to The Association of Guilds of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers.
Guild meetings are free to members. We have a quarterly newsletter which is emailed to members, notices from each meeting are also emailed out monthly.
Visitors are always welcome to our monthly meetings, come along and see what it’s all about. A small fee is charged of £5.
Our Meetings
At our meetings we have a sales table and notice board where members are able to sell surplus equipment/materials/new items (not necessarily fibre related) etc with the guild taking a commission of 10%. We have a rota of members who assist on the sales table through the year. We have a guild library that you are welcome to use without cost. We also have a variety of equipment wheels/looms etc available for members to borrow. We recently purchased a hand carding machine that can be used for a small fee either on a guild day or to take home. Please ask a committee member to assist you if necessary. The kitchen is available to make tea and coffee, biscuits also are available and often cakes which our members contribute.
View Our Programme here.
New Forest Weavers Spinner and Dyers is a registered charity, Number: 298565